Federal Retirement Planning

federal retirement planning imgLet’s be honest. As a federal employee, you have terrific benefits, but they are also complex. They can be almost maze-like in how many provisions, exclusions, and exceptions that they hold.

Many federal employees are unaware of these details as they make benefits decisions, both during their career and at retirement. Unfortunately, those poor or ill-timed decisions can make them wind up losing out on tens of thousands of dollars in lost lifetime benefits. You may even not know certain details about your federal retirement benefits, how they work, and how they fit into your overall financial picture.

When you need more clarity and peace of mind about your employee benefits — and just as importantly, your financial future — turn to our team at Federal Employee Benefits USA. Our experienced federal retirement consultants and benefits counselors will help you find answers, discover gaps in current plans, and offer solutions for every angle of your retirement planning situation.

Need Assistance?

We provide benefits guidance, federal retirement walkthroughs, financial education, and retirement services to federal employees who are still in service and who are retired. These efforts build on the financial literacy efforts of the federal civil service, as laid out by OPM.

How Our Federal Retirement Planning Helps You

Come and find solutions from our benefits counselors, no matter where you are in your career: from early hire to long-time contributor at a high GS/GM-level, or even post-service. Our mission is to help you locate and understand the much-needed answers you want to your financial and benefits questions.

Our federal retirement planning services include the following:

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  • Federal employee benefits education
  • Personalized federal benefits analyses & retirement reports
  • Federal benefits counseling & guidance for personal employee situations
  • Federal retirement workshops & speaking engagements
  • Retirement income planning & benefits maximization for U.S. Government employees

You can benefit from our federal retirement planning consultants’ strong knowledge of benefits available for FERS and CSRS employees.

Federal Retirement Planning for Every Federal Employee

It doesn’t matter what agency of which you are part. The Postal Service, the uniformed services, TSA, NASA, or any of the other hundreds of U.S. Government agencies that help keep our way of life going strong. You deserve to understand your hard-earned benefits, what you are entitled to, and how to maximize your benefits for a secure, confident financial future.

Of course, understanding your benefits is just one part of your financial picture. The other parts are planning for your retirement lifestyle, making sure that your money lasts as long as you need it, and having long-term financial security in your post-service years.

The comfort and knowledge that you have about your federal benefits plays directly into your ‘todays,’ right now, and your ‘tomorrows,’ once you have separated from service.

At Federal Employee Benefits USA, we are on a mission to help every federal employee to feel at ease about their retirement benefits and reach their goals. Overviews of your retirement benefits and life coverage, planning for retirement, creating personalized retirement income strategies, and managing risk — these are just a few ways that we can assist you.

Don’t wait. Secure tomorrows start with the steps that you take today. Contact us to request a no-cost federal benefits analysis, retirement gap report, and to talk about your personal benefits questions.