Federal Employee Benefits Analysis

Please feel free to request your no-cost, personalized Federal Benefits Analysis and Retirement Gap Report by completing the form.

Hope isn’t a strategy. Stop the guesswork and see your personal numbers in action as well as the path forward for your financial future. This report will give you direct insight into must-know aspects of your federal benefits and how to maximize them for your well-being. Now, you can map out an actionable plan toward a comfortable retirement and take charge of your financial future.

In this benefits analysis and gap report, you will:

  • Obtain personal, real-world insights and solid estimates for your federal retirement benefits, now and in the future.
  • Uncover potential gaps in your benefits and retirement planning now, before costly issues in years ahead.
  • Forecast present and future outlooks for your TSP account, pension, Social Security benefits, and even FEGLI coverage.
  • Get estimates for what your future retirement income, life coverage, Social Security and survivor benefits may look like.
  • See steps that you can take in the near-term to increase your chances of a comfortable, secure retirement.
  • Uncover if you should work longer — or possibly even retire sooner than you might have expected.